Kristin Tyas Wardani Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Surakarta


Abstrac: Education is the most important infrastructure, especially in the development of individual potential, and generally in the development potential of the nation. To that end, efforts to develop the quality of education is an absolute must to get attention. With the development of educational technology, it is expected a significant increase in the education sector, both in local and national scale. Improving the quality of education can include improving the quality of teaching materials, student understanding, as well as the competence of the teachers (Ruly Darmawan, 2006).

One tutoring place that is still in great demand today is Pacitan Tutoring Spectrum Institute. This is evident with the increasing number of students from year to year. Learning spaces are comfortable, professional educators as well as the low cost of learning is one of the reasons Spectrum Tutoring Agency is currently in great demand. Currently Spectrum Tutoring Agency is still using a conventional manner in the processing of data, student data, data of teachers, students and the value of payments. Like, when there are students registering must fill out a registration form after the officers had to move it in the books, so it takes a long time. In addition to the students who will pay to wait too long because the officer should seek student data one by one in the books. Officers are also difficulties in making a report to the leadership (Spectrum, 2008). The main purpose of this penelitin is making the information systems that can be used for data collection at the Institute for Academic Tutoring Spectrum. The method taken by the authors observe, interview, library study, analysis, information system design followed by construction of information systems and the next is a trial. The results of this study is to provide facilities in the academic data processing, such as student data, payment data, data of teachers, and to simplify the search process other than the data storage medium that has a more effective and larger.

Keywords: Information Systems Institute for Academic Tutoring Spectrum

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