Pringgo Winoto -Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Surakarta, PEMBUATAN WEBSITE PROFIL SEKOLAH DASAR N -Program Studi Teknik Informatika, Universitas Surakarta


ABSTRACT: Today many people are familiar with even use the internet in everyday life, so that in the
search for community information is also often take advantage of the Internet media. Kalisoro
Elementary School 03do not have the media to deliver information quickly and accurately, so far in
delivery of information is still using banner of course this will take a lot of time and cost. This is one of
the obstacles to improving the quality of education in public elementary school 03 Kalisoro .
In this research, the website will be made regarding the profiles of public elementary school 03
Kalisoro, to promote elementary school 03 Kalisoro with an attractive appearance and can be
accessed easily from anywhere via the Internet. That way elementary school 03 Kalisoro will be more
known and unknown by the general public to view the profiles that are online.
The method performed in the study include: literature, observation, analysis and design, website
creation, implementation. Elementary School District 03 Kalisoro already have a website, so that
people can find information about the 03 State Primary Schools Kalisoro online.This website is the
range of information provided not only the wider community but from all corners capable of knowing
Elementary School 03 Kalisoro with more complete and clear through the internet.
Keywords : Website Profil

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